The Great Commission (cf. Matt. 28:18-20; Luke 24:46-47; Acts 1:8) mandates both
evangelism and discipleship. Bob has been involved in both of these for more
than 50 years. He has participated in at least 45 international evangelistic
crusades where thousands of people trusted Christ. Although these crusades were
wonderful evangelistic experiences, a lack of follow-up materials for
discipleship was evident to him. God's will is for "disciples," not decisions
only! He saw the absence of Bible studies resources in other countries that were
affordable and of good quality. This was a burden on his heart and he was
willing to help remedy this problem.
While teaching hermeneutics in an OMS seminary in Haiti, God spoke to Bob's heart about providing his Bible studies free to the world. He structured his commentaries to provide an in-depth resource for churches, pastors and lay people. The Bible studies emphasize the original author's intent, by means of: (1) literary context, (2) the historical setting, (3) word study options, (4) grammar features, (5) genre, and (6) parallel passages.
Several years ago Bob's commentaries were included in the Logos Bible Study Software. Soon after, Logos contacted Bob on behalf of Dr. Bill Bright (Founder of Campus Crusade for Christ) to include his NT commentaries on a CD-Rom of training material for CCC ministers. They planned to translate them into 50 languages and give them away free of charge. However, Bill Bright went to be with Jesus before the project was finished. Because of his experience in Haiti and the anticipation of the project with CCC, Bob felt this was Divine direction for him to pursue this new task of providing Bible studies free to the worldwide Body of Christ.
Bible Lessons International now produces exegetical commentaries and other Bible study aids in 48 languages and puts them online free for the world. You can:
Bob has earned academic degrees from
He has pastored several churches in Texas and has been Interim Pastor of over 20 churches in Texas and Louisiana. Bob taught for 16 years in the Religion Department at East Texas Baptist University. Currently he conducts Bible Conferences and Revivals in the U.S. and abroad, mostly by zoom.
Family Status: Married to the former Peggy Rutta, a registered nurse (graduate of Memorial Baptist School of Nursing, Houston, Texas). Peggy is presently office manager for Bible Lessons International. Bob and Peggy are the parents of three children:
1959 Accepted Jesus Christ as Savior at First Baptist Church, Bellaire, TX
1968 Surrendered to Vocational Ministry at First Baptist Church, Bellaire, TX
1969 Licensed to the Gospel Ministry at First Baptist Church, Bellaire, TX
1971 Ordained to the Gospel Ministry at First Baptist Church, Bellaire, TX
1970‒1972 Pastor, Nesbitt Baptist Church, Marshall, TX
1973‒1976 Associate Pastor, Sagamore Hill Baptist Church, Ft. Worth, TX
1976‒1985 Pastor, Trinity Baptist Church, Lubbock, TX
1987 Interim Pastor, Oakwood Baptist Church, Lubbock, TX
1991 Interim Pastor, First Baptist Church, Tyler, TX
1992 Interim Pastor, First Baptist Church, Van, TX
1993‒1995 Interim Pastor, First Baptist Church, Henderson, TX
1995 Interim Pastor, First Baptist Church, Pittsburg, TX
1995‒1996 Interim Pastor, First Baptist Church, Lufkin, TX
1996 Interim Pastor, Hillcrest Baptist Church, Jasper, TX
1997‒1998 Interim Pastor, North Monroe Baptist Church, Monroe, LA
1998‒1999 Interim Pastor, First Baptist Church, Monroe, LA
2000 Interim Pastor, First Baptist Church, Marshall, TX
2000‒2001 Interim Pastor, North Monroe Baptist Church, Monroe, LA
2001‒2002 Interim Pastor, Cypress Baptist Church, Benton, LA
2002 Interim Pastor, Parkview Baptist Church, Monroe, LA
2005‒2007 Interim Pastor, First Baptist Church, West Monroe, LA
2008‒2010 Interim Pastor, Lakeside Baptist Church, Dallas, TX
2010‒2011 Interim Pastor, First Baptist Church Monroe, LA
2011‒2012 Interim Pastor, First Baptist Church, Marshall, TX
2024‒ Interim Pastor, Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Marshall, TX
1969‒1972 Bachelor of Arts (Major: Religion; Minor: Sociology) East Texas Baptist College, Marshall, TX
1971 Elected to Alpha Chi, National Honor Society
1972‒1975 Master of Divinity (with languages) Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, TX
1976 Post-graduate study in theology at Baylor University, Waco, TX (12 hours)
1988‒1995 Attended annual meetings of the Society of Biblical Literature, Southwest Region
1987‒1988 Doctor of Ministry (Major project in Historical-Grammatical Hermeneutics) Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, IL
1991 Post-graduate study in Koine Greek and Hermeneutics at Wycliffe Bible Translators Summer Institute of Linguistics, Dallas, TX (6 hours)
1992‒1995 Attended annual meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society
1994‒1997 Post-graduate study at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, IL
1976‒present Teacher for Bible Lesson International (formerly International Sunday School Lessons, Inc.)
1980‒1985 Teacher for Seminary Extension of Southern Baptist Convention of Lubbock Baptist Association
1980‒1984 Teacher for Wayland Baptist University, Plainview, TX, Lubbock Extension
1986‒1988 Teacher of weekly "Life and Work" series on the ACTS network of SBC's Radio/TV Commission
1986‒present Teacher for United Christian Ashrams (Adult Retreat Ministry begun by E. Stanley Jones)
1987‒2003 Professor of Religion, East Texas Baptist University, Marshall, TX (Bible Interpretation, Old Testament, New Testament, Preaching, and Evangelism)
1989‒2003 Teacher of "Verse by Verse," a weekly International Short Wave Program on TransWorld Radio, Guam
1989,1990, 1992, 1993, 1994 Teacher of the Year, elected by the senior class of ETBU, Marshall, TX
1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 2002, 2003 Favorite Teacher, elected by the student body of ETBU, Marshall, TX
1992 Elected to Who's Who Among American Teachers
1995 Visiting Professor for Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary Extension in Rostov and Volgodonsk, Russia
2000 Adjunct Professor for Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary's Extension in Marshall, TX
2003‒2007 Taught at Baptist Seminary, Yerevan, Armenia
2003‒2007 Taught at Emmaus Bible Seminary, Cap-Haitien, Haiti (OMS approved professor)
2003‒2007 Taught at Novi Sad Theological College, Novi Sad, Serbia
2009‒2010 Conference on Evangelism and Discipleship (Nicaragua & Costa Rica)
2011 Visiting professor for two small seminaries in the Amazon region of Brazil.
2015‒2024 Visiting professor for John Wesley Methodist Seminary, Monterrey, Mexico
2022 Visiting Professor at Logos Seminary, Lahore, Pakistan
2022 Visiting Teacher, New York School of the Bible
1976‒2008 Teacher Preparation Materials for all three SBC Sunday School Lesson Series
1985‒present You Can Understand the Bible: Seminar of Biblical Interpretation (audio and notebooks)
2000 Old Testament Survey I (Genesis‒Malachi)
1997 Paul's First Letters: Galatians and 1 & 2 Thessalonians, exegetical commentary
1997 The First Christian Primer: Matthew, exegetical commentary
1998 The Gospel According to Paul: Romans, exegetical commentary
1998 Paul's Prison Letters: Colossians, Ephesians, Philemon and Later, Philippians, exegetical commentary
1999 Hope in Hard Times-The Final Curtain: Revelation, exegetical commentary
1999 The Beloved Disciple's Memoirs and Letters: John and 1, 2, and 3 John, exegetical commentary
1999 The Superiority of the New Covenant: Hebrews, exegetical commentary
2000 Jesus' Half-Brothers Speak: James and Jude, exegetical commentary
2000 North American Mission Board, SBC:
2000 New Testament Survey (Matthew ‒ Revelation), exegetical commentary
2001 How It All Began ‒ Genesis 1-11, exegetical commentary
2001 The Gospel According to Peter: Mark and 1 & 2 Peter, exegetical commentary
2002 Paul's Letters to a Troubled Church ‒ 1 & 2 Corinthians, exegetical commentary
2002 All Commentaries included in www.Logos Bible Study software.
2005 ‒ Old Testament Apocalypses: Daniel and Zechariah, exegetical commentary included in www.Logos Bible Study software
‒ The Post-Exilic Period: Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther, exegetical commentary included in www.Logos Bible Study software
‒ The NASB (Update) Study Bible New Testament Supplement
‒ all NT Commentaries and Bible Interpretation Seminar on two CD-ROMs, mailed 150,000 free worldwide
2006 ‒ Moses' Summary of God's Laws: Deuteronomy, exegetical commentary included in www.Logos Bible Study software
‒ The Conquest and Settlement of the Promised Land: Joshua, exegetical commentary included in www.Logos Bible Study software
2007 ‒ Wisdom Literature: The Mysterious Books of Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs, exegetical commentary included in www.Logos Bible Study software
‒ The Post-Exilic Prophets: Obadiah, Joel, Haggai and Malachi, exegetical commentary included in www.Logos Bible Study software
2008 ‒ Updated International CD-ROM Computer Bible Commentary, 2008 Version
2008 ‒ Ezekiel exegetical commentary included in www.Logos Bible Study software
‒ Joshua exegetical commentary included in www.Logos Bible Study software
2009 ‒ You Can Understand the Bible: An Introduction to and Application of the Contextual/Textual Method of Biblical Interpretation (revised and expanded video, Lakeside Baptist Church, Dallas, TX)
‒ The Patriarchal Period, Genesis 12-50, exegetical commentary
2010 ‒ Isaiah: The Clearest Old Testament Witness to YHWH's Eternal, Universal, Redemptive Plan ‒ Isaiah 1-39, exegetical commentary
‒ 2012 updated version of the Verse-By-Verse Computer Bible Study Library (CD-ROM)
2010 ‒ Isaiah: The Clearest Old Testament Witness to YHWH's Eternal, Universal, Redemptive Plan ‒ Isaiah 40-66, exegetical commentary
‒ 2012 updated version of the Verse-By-Verse Computer Bible Study Library (CD-ROM and DVD-ROM)
2012 ‒ Jeremiah commentary, exegetical commentary
‒ Psalms, Books 1 & 2 commentary, exegetical commentary
2013 ‒ Psalms, Books 3-5, exegetical commentary
2014 ‒ Job, Exodus, exegetical commentary
2015 ‒ Leviticus commentary, exegetical commentary
2016 ‒ Judges, Ruth, 1 and 2 Chronicles commentaries, exegetical commentary
2017 ‒ 1 and 2 Samuel commentary, exegetical commentary
2018 ‒ 1 and 2 Kings commentary, exegetical commentary
2019 ‒ Proverbs commentary, exegetical commentary
1969‒ present Church revivals, campus revivals, and Bible conferences, USA
1976‒ present International evangelistic campaigns in Norway, Argentina, Chile, India, Mexico (10), Brazil (7), Kazakhstan, Nicaragua (2), Honduras (2), Guatemala, Serbia, Armenia (3), and Slovakia
1983 Certified Teacher/Trainer for Evangelism Explosion III International, Coral Ridge, FL
1980‒1989,1997‒2016 Board of Directors for International Crusades, Dallas, TX
1978 Vice President of Lubbock, TX, Minister's Association
1980, 1982 Palo Duro Christian Ashram, North Texas
1983‒1985 President of Lubbock, TX, Minister's Association
1985 Associate Member of Oakwood United Methodist Church, Lubbock, TX
1985 Associate Member of First United Presbyterian Church, Lubbock, TX
1985 Round Table Participant and speaker on "Eternal Judgment" at Christ the King Catholic Church, Lubbock, TX
1987 Seminar, "You Can Understand the Bible" at Trinity Church, Lubbock, TX
1988 Graduated with D. Min. from Interdenominational Seminary in Chicago, IL (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Evangelical Free Church)
1988 Bible Teacher, Central United Methodist Church, Dalhart, TX
1995 Bible Teacher, Ashram for Texas Tech Wesley Foundation (in New Mexico)
1997‒1999 Bible Teacher, First United Methodist Church, Hallsville, TX
1998 Ashram Leadership Meeting, Flower Mound, TX
2000‒2004 Bible Teacher, North Louisiana Christian Ashram, Ruston, LA
2000 Bible Teacher, First United Methodist Church, DeRidder, LA
2000, 2002 Bible Teacher, Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Retreat in Tyler, TX
2000‒2008 Noonday Interdenominational Camp, Hallsville, TX
2004, 2013, 2021 Texas Christian Ashram, Scottsville, TX
2004 Approved teacher OMS (first assignment Emmaus Seminary in Haiti)
2011 Bible Teacher, North Louisiana Ashram at First United Methodist Church, Monroe, LA
2015‒present Guest Lecturer, John Wesley Methodist Seminary, Monterrey, Mexico
2019 Redlands California Ashram
2019‒2024 substitute preacher at Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Marshall, TX
2023‒ Bible Study on the Resurrection on zoom with ST. Hilary Catholic Church, Fairlawn, OH
1972 Chairman of Christian Life Division, Soda Lake Baptist Assn., Marshall, TX
1977‒1978 Chairman of College and Seminary Extension, Lubbock Baptist Assn., Lubbock, TX
1977 Program Chairman, Pastors and Staff Fellowship, Lubbock Baptist Assn., Lubbock, TX
1986‒1988 Bible teacher on national ACTS network of Southern Baptist Convention, Fort Worth, TX
1986 Seminar leader at Glorieta Baptist Retreat Center, Missions Week, Southern Baptist Convention, Glorieta, NM
1986‒1988, 1991,1992, 1995-1998 Seminar Leader at Baptist General Convention of Texas-Black Student Retreat, Dallas, TX
1989 Seminar Leader at Baptist General Convention-Baptist Student Union Leadership Training Conference, Waco, TX
1990 Seminar Leader at Southern Baptist Convention Assn. of Southern Baptist Campus Ministers, New Orleans, LA
1995 Visiting Professor for Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary extension in Rostov and Volgodonsk, Russia
1999 National Challengers Convention ‒ North American Mission Board, SBC
1990‒2004 Bible study leader, East Texas Baptist University Senior Adult Conference, Marshall, TX
2003‒2006 FOCUS (BGCT Conference for College Students), breakout speaker, Ft. Worth, TX
2005‒2008 BGCT, breakout speaker at Bi-Vocational and Small Church Conference, University of Mary-Hardin-Baylor, Belton, TX
1976‒1985 Member of Speakers Bureau of Lubbock United Way
1977 Vice President of Lubbock Ministers Assn.
1977‒1978 Board of Directors of Here's Life Lubbock
1978, 1983‒1985 President, Lubbock Ministers Assn.
1978‒1982 Advisory Board of Plains Detox Center, Lubbock, TX
1979‒1981 Charter Board Member and Secretary of Crossroads Pastoral Counseling and Consultation Center, Lubbock, TX
1979‒1982 Board of Directors for Alcohol Abuse Services, Lubbock, TX
1980‒1984 Board of Directors for Lubbock Right to Life
1980 Chairman of Memorial Division, American Cancer Society, Lubbock, TX
1982‒1983 Board of Directors for Lubbock's MHMR Center
1983‒1984 Community Planning Council of United Way of Lubbock, TX
1996 Alumni Achievement Award
2008 J. Wesley Smith Achievement Award
1985‒1986 National Religious Broadcasters
1985‒1987 Southern Baptist Convention Vocational Evangelists Assn.
1985‒1987 Texas Baptist Convention Vocational Evangelists Assn.
1989‒2003 National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion
1989‒2003 Society of Biblical Literature
1992‒2022 Evangelical Theological Society