It scares me just a little
this mystifying revelation.
but then again it peaks my curiosity
and stirs my imagination.
but I’ve learned I must be careful
how I view the message there,
making sure I’m not dogmatic
and exegeting it with care.
I know the language is symbolic
so I can’t be wild and free
with my interpretation
and ignore the ambiguity.
the genre is important
I must remember that,
never thinking that my answers
are the only answers that are pat.
but I hope that I can hear the words
the Father has to say,
look for Christ to come again,
show others He’s the Truth, the Life, the Way.
and then that I’ll remember as I struggle daily
in my earthly role,
that God will win,
He reigns supreme,
He is in control
Pat Bergeron 7/21/1999
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