1. The questions
    1. Matthew 24:3 (3 questions; Matthew 23 is a crucial precursor)
      1. When will the temple be destroyed?
      2. What will be the sign of Your temporal coming judgment?
      3. What will be the sign of the end/consummation of this age (i.e., Mosaic Law)?
    2. Mark 13:4; Luke 21:7 (2 questions)
      1. When will the temple be destroyed?
      2. What will be the sign when "all these things" will take place?

  2. A warning against being misled, by false messiahs or great calamities, into thinking that this is the end
    1. Matthew 24:4-8
    2. Mark 13:5-8
    3. Luke 21:8-11

  3. A prediction of persecution between Jesus' death and the destruction of Jeruisalem and the promise of help (i.e., The Spirit)
    1. Matthew 24:9-14
    2. Mark 13:9-13
    3. Luke 21:12-19

  4. An answer to the first question, relating to the destruction of Jerusalem and the scattering of its inhabitants
    1. Matthew 24:15-28
    2. Mark 13:14-23
    3. Luke 21:20-24

  5. An answer to the first question using OT apocalyptic imagery of God coming in judgment on a nation
    1. Matthew 24:29-31
    2. Mark 13:24-27
    3. Luke 21:25-27

  6. An exhortation to watchfulness in the situation leading up to the fall of Jerusalem (note Mark 13:30 uses same vocabulary as the disciples' question)
    1. Matthew 24:32-35
    2. Mark 13:28-31
    3. Luke 21:29-33

  7. An exhortation to watchfulness for the coming of Christ and the end/culmination of this age
    1. Matthew 24:36-44 (Matt. 23, a series of "woes" from Jesus to Jewish leaders; Matt. 25, Judgment Day)
    2. Mark 13:32-37
    3. Luke 21:34-36

  8. I have modified F. F. Bruces' outline.

    (adapted from F. F. Bruce in Answers to Questions, p 57). This author and this book have been so helpful to me!

  9. I have become convinced that most of the Olivet Discourse, 2 Thessalonians, and the book of the Revelation deal with events in the first century (Partial Preterism).
    Here are some helpful resourses relating to Partial Preterism
    1. John Bray, Matthew 24 Fulfilled
    2. Kenneth Gentry
      1. Before Jerusalem Fell
      2. The Beast of Revelation
      3. The Apocalypse of John: A Preterist Commentary of the Book of Revelation
    3. Four Views on the Book of Revelation, several authors, note pp. 39-92
    4. Steve Gregg
      1. Revelation: Four views, Revised and Expanded
      2. Why Not Full-Preterism? A Partial-Preterist Response to a Novel Theological Innovation
      3. Many thought provoking YouTube videos on biblical issues and controversies; his website is www.thenarrowpath.com; I highly recommend this brother's Bible study and lectures on contemporary controversies.
    5. Gary DeMar
      1. Last Days Madness: Obsession of the Modern Church
      2. End Time Fiction: A Biblical Consideration of Left Behind Theology
    6. Bruce Gore, YouTube video, "The Apocalypse in Space and Time"
      (10 lectures with detailed historical and Early Church Father quotes; very detailed and interesting)


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