Judaism does not focus on the sinfulness of all humans. It basically asserts the tension between "the good intent" and "the evil intent" in every person (i.e., the two yetzers). The famous Jewish proverb is "in every human heart is a black dog and a white dog. The one that is fed the most becomes the biggest."

     Some Rabbinical Midrash does assert the origin of evil from Genesis 6 (see SPECIAL TOPIC: SONS OF GOD IN GENESIS 6). The Church (particularly Paul and James) has focused on Genesis 3 as the origin of sin and rebellion in humanity. Christianity has explained the evil and suffering in this world as a result of human sin and rebellion, not God's person or initial creation or God's will! This is not the world God intended it to be!

     Adam and Eve's choice of self directiveness over God's word brought a terrible consequence to all humans (i.e., Rom. 1:18-3:31). This theological concept is called "Hebrew Corporality" (see SPECIAL TOPIC: BIBLICAL FAITH IS CORPORATE).

    According to Michael Heiser, The Unseen Realm, The Unseen Realm: A Question and Answer Comparison, there are three major spiritual rebellions in Genesis 1-11, not just Genesis 3 (Garden of Eden). The other two would be

    1. the union of angels and humans in Genesis 6
    2. the arrogant independance of humans at the Tower of Bable in Genesis 10-11
      These are all surely examples of fallen humanity's spiritual problems. However, the NT only focuses on Genesiss 3 (particularly Paul) as the first and foremost example of the current terrible spiritual condition of God's physical creation (cf. Rom. 8:12-17,18-22)!

     That the Fall affected all mankind (i.e., Hebrew corporality) is clearly expressed by Paul in Rom. 5:12-21). Paul develops his theology of the sinfulness of all humanity in the book of Romans. The first point of "the good news" of the gospel is the bad news of human need! Paul develops this from Rom. 1:18-3:18 (the summary conclusion is Rom. 3:19-31; also note Eph. 2:1-3). The book of Romans, chapters 1-3, describes the lostness, sinfulness, and need of all human beings.

    1. immoral pagans (Rom. 1:18-22)
    2. moral pagans (Rom. 2:1-16)
    3. Jews (Rom. 2:17-3:8)
    4. universal condemnation (Rom. 3:9-20)

      Everyone is responsible to God because of

      1. natural revelation, Rom. 1:18-23
      2. internal moral witness, Rom. 2:14-16

    One of the most horrible recurrent phrases in Romans 1-3 is, "God gave them over. . ." (cf. Rom.1:24,26,28; Eph. 4:17-19). A shocking litany of OT texts is quoted in Rom. 3:9-18! Humans are in deep trouble, need, and rebellion! One does not need a "Savior" until one recognizes his/her need!

    Romans 5:12-21 is a discussion of Jesus as the second Adam (cf. 1 Cor. 15:21-22, 45-49; Phil. 2:6-8). It gives emphasis to the theological concept of both individual sin and corporate guilt. Paul's development of mankind's (and creation's, cf. Rom. 8:18-23) fall in Adam was unique and different from the rabbis', while his view of corporality was very much in line with rabbinical teaching. It showed Paul's ability under inspiration to use, or supplement, the truths he was taught during his training in Jerusalem under Gamaliel (cf. Acts 22:3). See Alfred Edershim, The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah.


    The traditional doctrine of "original sin" from Genesis 3, and Paul's writings, was developed by Augustine and Calvin. It asserts that humans are born sinful. Often Psalm 51:5; 58:3; and Job 15:14; 25:4 are used as OT proof-texts. The alternate theological position that humans are morally and spiritually responsible for their own choices and destiny was developed first by Rabbinical Midrash and then in the church by Pelagius and Arminius. There is some evidence for human choice in Gen. 4:7; Lev. 26; Deut. 28; 30; Isa. 7:15; Jonah 4:11; John 1:12; 3:16; 9:41; 15:22,24; Acts 17:30; Rom. 4:15. The thrust of this theological position would be that children are innocent until an age of moral responsibility (for the rabbis this was 13 years old for boys and 12 years old for girls); see SPECIAL TOPIC: THE AGE OF ACCOUNTABILITY.

    There is a mediating position in which both

    1. an innate evil propensity
    2. an age of moral responsibility

    are both true! Evil is not only corporate, but a developing evil of self-will and sin (i.e., life apart from God; see SPECIAL TOPIC: ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES [stoicheia]). The wickedness of humanity is not the issue (cf. Gen. 6:5, 11-12, 13; Rom. 3:9-18, 23). but the when—at birth or later in life?

    I tend to agree with Millard Erickson, Christian Theology 2nd ed., pp. 614-16, that sin begins in God-given natural desires, but that mankind takes these desires beyond God-given bounds (i.e., bounds for our protection and long term joy, peace, and happiness, cf. James 2-3).

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