The VERB "filled" is used in a variety of ways by Luke to show what characterizes or describes a person or
personified entity.
- John the Baptist, even before his birth, was filled with the Holy Spirit ‒ Luke 1:15
- Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit ‒ Luke 1:41
- Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit ‒Luke 1:61
- all in the Synagogue who heard Jesus speak were filled with rage ‒ Luke 4:28
- those in the house where the paralytic was lowered through the roof were filled with fear ‒ Luke 5:26
- Pharisees and Scribes traveling with Jesus on a Sabbath were filled with rage ‒ Luke 6:11
- those in the upper room on Pentecost were filled with the Holy Spirit ‒ Acts 2:4
- those who heard Peter speak in the temple were filled with amazement ‒ Acts 3:10
- Peter speaking before the Sanhedrin was filled with the Holy Spirit ‒ Acts 4:8
- all in the upper room were filled with the Holy Spirit ‒ Acts 4:31
- Satan filled Ananias' and Sapphira's hearts ‒ Acts 5:3
- Peter and John spoke to the Sanhedrin again and they were filled with jealousy ‒ Acts 5:17
- Jerusalem filled with the gospel ‒ Acts 5:28
- the seven full of the Spirit and wisdom ‒ Acts 6:3
- Stephen full of faith and the Holy Spirit ‒ Acts 6:5,8; 7:55
- Ananias lays hands on Saul/Paul and he is filled with the Holy Spirit ‒ Acts 9:17
- Paul preaches filled with the Spirit ‒ Acts 13:9
- Jews in the crowd who Paul preached to were filled with jealousy ‒ Acts 13:45
- the disciples were continually filled with joy and the Holy Spirit ‒ Acts 13:52
- Ephesus was filled with confusion ‒ Acts 19:29
In the presence of the gospel what are you "filled" with?
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