There have been several theories as to the identity of these seven spirits.
- Because the first appearance of this phrase comes between a reference to God as Father (i.e., Rev. 1:4)
and Jesus the Messiah (i.e., Rev. 1:5), many commentators (i.e., F. F. Bruce, Answers to Questions, p. 136)
have asserted that it definitely referred to the Holy Spirit (note NASB capitalizes "Spirit"). This is possible,
but not certain. This same phrase is also used in Rev. 3:1; 4:5 and 5:6. In these other instances it is
not at all certain that it is a reference to the Holy Spirit unless an allusion from Zechariah 4 is assumed.
- Others believe that it is an allusion from Isa. 11:2 from the Septuagint, where the sevenfold gifts of the Spirit
are mentioned, meaning Jesus has the fullness of the Spirit.
- Those of a Jewish inter-biblical background (i.e., 1 Enoch) would identify these with "the angels of the Presence"
as the seven archangels before the throne of God (cf. Rev. 8:2). Notice that some descriptive phrases
also occur in Rev. 1:4.
- Others relate them to the angels or messengers (i.e., pastors) of the seven churches which are mentioned in Rev. 1:20.
Notice that Rev. 1:20 identifies
- the seven stars (cf. Rev. 1:16,20; 2:1) as the angels of the seven churches (i.e., Revelation 2-3)
- the seven lampstands (cf. Rev. 1:12,13,20; 2:1) are the seven churches
But there is no identification of "the seven spirits." Number 4 above is an assumption but with
no specific textual support. Seven is such an important symbolic number in the Bible.
SPECIAL TOPIC: Spirit in the Bible
SPECIAL TOPIC: Spirit in the NT
SPECIAL TOPIC: Angels In the Bible
SPECIAL TOPIC: Symbolic Numbers in Scripture, #4
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