Voices from the Body of Christ worldwide

Bob Utley Cecil Peasley David King Ryan Berryhill John Ed Matheson Mahamba Evariste Derik Armstrong Scott Chambers David Henneke Paul Carpenter D.J. Bulls

The following Bible studies are presented by a number of pastors, professors and church leaders from different denominations and countries. We at BLI offer them as an additional online spiritual resource. We think you will be blessed by the differing points of view and theological perspectives. Theological diversity (within some bounds) is not a problem, but a way for God to impact differing personality types. All of these church leaders believe in the authority and trustworthiness of the Bible!!

In order to view the desired material, please click on a blue link below.

I.   Bob UtleySelected Topics From Dr. Bob Utley's Ministry (Retired professor of hermeneutics)

  1. Seminars
    1. Bible Interpretation based on the original author's intent.  (Video, audio, printed)
    2. Christology (John 1, Colossians 1, Hebrews 1, Revelation 1)  (Video)
    3. Introduction to Revelation and Recapitulation Theory of the Book of Revelation
       (Written introduction and four audio lessons)

  2. Sermons on the Trustworthiness of Biblical Revelation (Five videos)

  3. Over 500 Lessons by Theological Topics and Texts (Audio)
    For a printed outline of the topics see Special Topics (Second Red Box on Home Page)

  4. Social Issues (Videos)

  5. Sermon Preparation (Videos)

II.   Cecil PeasleySeminar on the Ministry of Evangelism by Cecil Peasley (Evangelist from South Africa, Audio and Printed)

III.  David KingPrinted Seminars by Dr. David King (Retired Missionary-Teacher for 30 years to Lebanon)

God's Lightning:
A Seminar on Prayer
The Sermon on the Mount:
Power Over Pride
The Ascending Life God Speaks

IV.  Ryan BerryhillAudio Sermons by Dr. Ryan Berryhill (Pastor First Baptist Church, Marshall, Texas)

V.   John Ed MathesonVideo Sermons by Dr. John Ed Mathison (Retired pastor of largest Methodist Church in USA)

VI.  Mahamba EvaristeMahamba Wa-ibera Evariste (A pastor from Beni, Democratic Republic of Congo)
(His first book on discipleship.)

God's Plans and Purposes For Your Life

VII.  Derik ArmstrongDerik Armstrong (Pastor, Word of Grace Church, Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, a non-denominational church)

VIII. Scott Chambers"Confidence in Our Creator" (Dr. Scott Chambers, Laboratory Fellow and Technical Group Leader,
  Physical and Computational Sciences Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)

IX.  David HennekeVideo Sermons by David Henneke (Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church, Kingsland, Texas)

X.   Paul CarpenterVideo Sermons by Paul Carpenter (Senior Minister of First Christian Church, Lubbock, Texas)

XI.  D.J. BullsVideo and Audio Sermons by D.J. Bulls (Preaching Minister of the Gilmer Church of Christ, Gilmer, Texas)