Most believers have been taught that Jesus is coming soon, suddenly, and unexpectedly (cf. Matt. 10:23; 24:34; Mark 9:1; 13:30; Rev. 1:1,3; 2:16; 3:11; 22:7,10,12,20; see SPECIAL TOPIC: SOON RETURN). But every expectant generation of believers so far has been wrong! The soonness (immediacy) of Jesus’ return is a powerful promised hope of every generation, but a reality to only one (Idealist).

Believers must live as if He were coming tomorrow, but plan and implement the Great Commission (cf. Matt. 28:19-20; Luke 24:46-47; Acts 1:8) if He tarries.

The clearest texts on a "not yet" coming of Jesus is 2 Thessalonians 2. The context is that some in the church were so committed to a "soon" or "already" coming (i.e., 2 Thess. 2:2) that Paul had to remind them about some events that must occur first.

  1. the apostasy or rebellion occur ‒ 2 Thess. 2:3
  2. the revelation (apokalupsis, 2 Thess. 2:3,8; used of Christ in Rev. 1:1) of "the man of lawlessness." These Thessalonian believers knew who this was because Paul had told them (cf. 2 Thess. 2:5,6; i.e., not someone thousands of years in the future).

Other predictions of things that must occur are from the Olivet Discourse, which I think also refer to the Jewish War (A.D. 66-70) and Nero (A.D. 54-68).

  1. believers hated and persecuted by both Jews and Rome, Matt. 24:9,13
  2. many will fall away and betray one another, Matt. 24:10,12
  3. false prophets will arise, Matt. 24:11 (see Josephus' The War of the Jews)
  4. lawlessness increases and people's hearts become cold, Matt. 24:12
  5. the gospel of the Kingdom be preached to the whole world (i.e., inhabited world), Matt. 24:10
  6. see the "Abomination of Desolation" standing in the holy place (note parallel of Luke 21:20, i.e., the siege of Jerusalem, Matt. 24:14)

I have come to believe that the Olivet Discourse refers to the Jewish War and the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple (A.D. 66-70). For more information see

  1. John Bray, Matthew 24 Fulfilled
  2. Kenneth Gentry
    1. Before Jerusalem Fell
    2. The Beast of Revelation
    3. The Apocalypse of John: A Preterist Commentary of the Book of Revelation
  3. Four Views on the Book of Revelation, several authors, note pp. 39-92
  4. Steve Gregg
    1. Revelation: Four views, Revised and Expanded
    2. Why Not Full-Preterism? A Partial-Preterist Response to a Novel Theological Innovation
    3. Many thought provoking YouTube videos on biblical issues and controversies; his website is www.thenarrowpath.com; I highly recommend this brother's Bible study and lectures on contemporary controversies.
  5. Gary DeMar
    1. Last Days Madness: Obsession of the Modern Church
    2. End Time Fiction" A Biblical Consideration of Left Behind Theology
  6. Bruce Gore, YouTube video, "The Apocalypse in Space and Time" (10 lectures with detailed historical and Early Church Father quotes; very detailed and interesting)

Just an added note

  1. about the use of the Greek word , "earth." When we read Matt. 24:30, in some contexts, it refers to Palestine, but in others, the whole world (Matt. 24:35). This same semantic field is true for the Hebrew erets (see SPECIAL TOPIC: LAND, COUNTRY, EARTH).
  2. This same ambiguity relates to the tribes of israel.

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