1. The Gospels
     No one can explain why the return of Jesus (see SPECIAL TOPIC: SECOND COMING) has taken so long when it was expected so soon (Matt. 10:23; 16:27-28; 23:36; 24:34; 26:64; see full list in Matt. 23, "Contextual Insights," H.)
    1. There is a tension in the NT between the any-moment return of Jesus and a delayed parousia
    2. Also see D. Brent Sandy, Plowshares and Pruning Hooks, pp. 101-102, for the term as a prophetic symbol of severity and unexpectedness, pp. 173-175
    3. I have come to believe that this tension is resolved in the first century destruction of Jerusalem and the temple.

  2. The Book of Revelation
    1. For the concept of "a soon return" compare Rev. 1:1,3; 2:16; 3:11; 22:7,10,12,20. This may be an OT allusion to Dan. 2:28, 29, and 45.  In the book of Revellation, John never quotes the OT but makes many allusions to it (I have come to believe this is because the book is addressing apostate Judaism).  The time markers which start the book, end the book (see full list at Matthew 23, "Contextual Insights," H.)!  Of 404 verses, possibly 275 have OT backgrounds.  Translators have been divided in the interpretation of this phrase because of their theological presuppositions about the purpose of the book of the Revelation (i.e., Preterist, Futurist, Idealist, Historist):
      1. suddenly
      2. once begun will swiftly occur
      3. soon to begin
      4. will certainly happen
      5. imminently

    2. Usage of this term in Rev. 22:7, 12, 20 shows that John expected these events to occur during his lifetime (see full note at Rev. 10:6; 22:3).  Since there has been a 2000 year gap between the writing of Revelation and our day, many say
      1. the use of an immediate time frame seems to be typical of the prophetic literature from the Old Testament which used imagery of current events to foreshadow end-time events (see SPECIAL TOPIC: PROPHECY (OT)).
         Both the Olivet Discourse and the book of Revelation are about God's judgment on Jerusalem, the temple, and faithless Judaism (I also include 2 Thessalonians 2).
      2. The Second Coming is a hope and encouragement for every generation of believers (Idealists), but the experience of only one, the last (Futurists).
      3. As I have become older, the Partial Preterist view of Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21; 2 Thessalonians 2; and the book of Revelation have become my current (2024) understanding.
        1. William Hendriksen, More Than Conquerors has affected my understanding of the structure of the book of Revelation (i.e., 7 literary untis which overlap in time)\
        2. Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr., Before Jerusalem Fell and Gary DeMar, Last Days Madness have affected my understanding of the time frame
      4. I think I have been unduly influenced by a "futurist" understanding based more on my time and place of birth than Bible study. This "futurist" understanding was developed into a structured eschatology by John Nelson Darby in the eighteen hundreds. He uniquely asserted
        1. a literal fulfillment of all OT prophecy to Israel
        2. the reestablishment of the state of Israel
        3. a secret rapture to remove the church, which he saw as a parenthesis between the 60th and 70th weeks of Daniel 9
        4. the thousand year reign of Christ affects Israel only
        5. parts of the NT (i.e., the Sermon on the Mount) refer only to Israel, not the church

  3. My current understanding of Revelation has combined a recapitulation view (structure) and a Partial Preterist view (timing). You can see the recapitulation view in my exegetical commentary and hear my audio summary on www.freebiblecommentary.org, "Worldwide Voices," under my name, A., 3. (for lectures at the Texas Ashram).
    1. For a good discussion of Partial Preterism see Steve Gregg ‒ YouTube video, "Overview of Revelation" (www.thenarrowpath.com)
    2. The following books/authors hold the Preterist view.
      1. John Bray, Matthew 24 Fulfilled
      2. Kenneth Gentry
        1. Before Jerusalem Fell
        2. The Beast of Revelation
        3. The Apocalypse of John: A Preterist Commentary of the Book of Revelation
      3. Four Views on the Book of Revelation, several authors, ISBN 0-310-21080-1, note pp. 39-92
      4. Steve Gregg
        1. Revelation: Four views, Revised and Expanded
        2. Why Not Full-Preterism? A Partial-Preterist Response to a Novel Theological Innovation
        3. Many thought provoking YouTube videos on biblical issues and controversies; his website is www.thenarrowpath.com; I highly recommend this brother's Bible study and lectures on contemporary controversies.
      5. Gary DeMar
        1. Last Days Madness: Obsession of the Modern Church
        2. End Time Fiction" A Biblical Consideration of Left Behind Theology
      6. Bruce Gore, YouTube video, "The Apocalypse in Space and Time" (10 lectures with detailed historical and Early Church Father quotes; very detailed and interesting)

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