- This subject has caused great arguments.
- The how is not certain, the when is not certain, but the event is sure!
- Where did you get what you believe?
- What is the purpose of the Second Coming?
- Does the Bible teach a systematic eschatology?
- Why is our day so interested in the Second Coming?
- All theories concerning the physical return of Jesus are conservative views.
EARLY CHURCH PREMILLENNIAL (Historical Premillennial)
Presuppositions |
Advocates |
Strengths |
- History of the Earth is analogous to 7 days of Creation
(Epistle of Barnabas, Irenaeus, Methodius)
- Each day represents 1000 years (II Pet. 3:8; Ps. 90:4)
- Papias Irenaeus, Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Hipplytus, Methodius
- George Ladd (Historical Premillennial)
- Certain events must occur before Parousia
- Gospel to all nations (Matt. 24:14)
- Conversion of Israel (Rom. 11:25ff)
- Great Apostasy (Matt.24:10; II Thess. 2:3)
- Great Tribulation (Matt. 24:21)
- Revealing of Man of Sin - Antichrist
(II Thess. 2:3)
- A visible, universal Rapture and Coming
AMILLENNIAL (realized or inaugurated millennium)
Presuppositions |
Advocates |
Strengths |
- The Church is Spiritual Israel
(Rom. 2:5,9,28-29; 9:6; Gal. 3:9,29; 6:16; Rev. 1:6; 1 Pet. 3:6)
- One Covenant (Old and New,
Rom. 4 - Abraham is Paul's example for justification by faith)
- Christ's Kingdom is not temporal
(John 18:36)
- One Second Coming
One Resurrection One Judgment The Eternal Kingdom
- Some Early Church
- Augustine
- Zwingli
- Calvin (Presbyterianism)
- Ray Summers (Baptist)
- Jay Adams (Reformed)
- Most Churches of Christ
- Victory won at Calvary,
not Millennium
- Satan bound now
- Unity of God's plan of redemption
POSTMILLENNIAL (millenium now)
Presuppositions |
Advocates |
Strengths |
- Jesus defeated Satan which allows His followers to free people from the Kingdom of Darkness
- Church's preaching of the gospel will bring in the Kingdom (2 Pet. 3:12; Matt. 6:10)
- Things are getting better and better
- Jonathan Edwards
- A. H. Strong
- W. T. Conner
- Most 19th Century Scholars
- Takes temporal judgment coming of Jesus seriously
- Believers have a part in God's plan
- Optimistic about contemporary culture
- Believers should be active in culture and government
1 There are 3 views of this Secret Coming:
1) Pre-tribulationist
2) Mid-tribulationist
3) Post-tribulationist
2 Judgment of Believers (II Cor. 5:10)
3 Judgment of Nations (Matt. 25)
Presuppositions |
Advocates |
Strengths |
- The Bible is divided into seven distinct dispensations
- Literal fulfillment of every OT prophecy to Israel
- Church and Israel totally separate.
The Church is God's Plan B when the Jews rejected Jesus as the Messiah
- The Church will be secretly raptured,before the Tribulation. The book of Revelation,
after chapter 5, is Jewish.
- NT interpreted in light of OT prophecy
- John Darby
Plymouth Brethren)
- Clarence Larkin
- D. L. Moody
- C. I. Scofield (Reference Bible)
- Dallas Seminary (Pentecost, Ryrie, Walvoord)
- W. A. Criswell (Southern Baptist)
- Hal Lindsey
- Tim LaHaye
- Bible Churches (Dallas Seminary)
- Takes Bible prophecy literally
(especially Daniel)
- Any-moment return (Matt. 24:40-42)
Presuppositions |
Dialectical Tensions: |
- One Plan (Gen. 3:15)
- Unity of the people of God (Rom. 2:28-29;4; Gal. 3:29; 6:16;
Eph. 2:11-3:13)
- Apocalyptic nature of Daniel, Ezekiel, and Revelation (literary genre)
- OT saw one coming (Two Ages), one visible coming
- One visible coming (Matt. 24:27)
One Rapture ( I Thess. 4:13-18)
One Resurrection
One Judgment (Matt. 25; Rev. 20)
The Eternal Kingdom
- between Old Covenant prophetic models and New Covenant apostolic models
- between the Bible's monotheism (one God for all) and the election of Israel
- between the conditional aspect of biblical covenants and promises ("if...then") and
the unconditional faithfulness of God to fallen mankind's redemption
- between Near Eastern literary genres and modern western literary models
- between the Kingdom of God as present, yet future
- between belief in the imminent return of Christ and the belief that some events
must happen first
- Martin Luther, "Revelation is not an inspired book."
- John Calvin said of the book of Revelation, "Only God knows what this means."
- There is no approved or majority opinion on the Second Coming (i.e., church councils).
- Every generation of believers forces the Bible into its own historical and cultural settings.
- There is no systematic eschatology in the NT, but truth is revealed for us to "be ready" and
"be active."
- Only conservatives fight over this issue.
- It is every generation of believers' hope, encouragement, and motivation to expect the
Second Coming in their lifetime.
Special Topic: This Age and the Age to Come
Special Topic: Apocalyptic Literature
Special Topic: The Antichrist
Special Topic: Any Moment Return of Christ vs. Not Yet
Special Topic: The Day of the Lord
Special Topic: Delayed Second Coming
Special Topic: Forty Two Months
Special Topic: The Great Red Dragon
Special Topic: The Great Tribulation
Special Topic: Immanuel's Person and Reign
Special Topic: Jesus' Return
Special Topic: Judgment in the NT
Special Topic: The Judgment Seat of Christ
Special Topic: The Kingdom of God
Special Topic: The Lake of Fire
Special Topic: Last Days
Special Topic: Messiah
Special Topic: The Messianic Era
Special Topic: OT Predictions of the Future vs. NT Predictions
Special Topic: One Hundred Forty Four Thousand
Special Topic: The Rapture
Special Topic: The Second Coming
Special Topic: The Seventy Years
Special Topic: Soon Coming
Special Topic: Symbolic Numbers in Scripture
Special Topic: Tribulation
Special Topic: The Two Witnesses
Special Topic: A Woman Cothed in Twelve Stars
For a more verse-by-verse exegesis, see my written commentaries on
- Daniel
- The Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 17; 21)
- 1 and 2 Thessalonians
- Revelation
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Bible Lessons International