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The book of Revelation is surely true, but not historical narrative, not meant to be taken literally. The genre itself is screaming this point to us if we will only hear it. This does not mean that it is not inspired, or not true; it is just figurative, cryptic, symbolic, metaphorical, and imaginative. The first century Jews and Christians were familiar with this type of literature, but modern Bible readers are not (see D. Brent Sandy, Plowshares and Pruning Hooks: Rethinking the Language of Biblical Prophecy and Apocalyptic)! The Christian symbolism in Pilgrim's Progress, The Lord of the Rings, or the Chronicles of Narnia might possibly be modern parallels.
All of these are moving toward a consummation brought about by
God. This is not the world God intended it to be, but He is continuing to plan, work,
and project His will for a restoration of the intimate fellowship begun in the Garden of
Eden (cf. Gen. 1:26,27; 3:8). The Christ event is the watershed of God's plan, but the
two comings have brought about the "the already but not yet" tension!
Special Topic: Eastern Literature
(biblical paradoxes)
Special Topic: YHWH's Eternal Redemptive Plan
Dan. 2 | Dan. 7 | Dan. 8 | Dan. 9 | Dan. 11 | |
a. Neo-Babylon Nebuchadnezzar Dan. 2:38 |
gold | winged lion | |||
b. Medo-Persia Cyrus II Dan. 8:20 |
silver | bear | ram, 2 horns | ||
c. Greece Alexander the Great Dan. 8:21 |
bronze | winged leopard |
goat, 1 horn into 4; little horn Dan. 8:9-14,23-26 Antiochus IV |
Maccabean 9:24-25 Antiochus IV |
Conflict between Egypt & Syria 11:1-45 Antiochus IV 11:36-39 |
d. Rome of Jesus' day Dan. 2:40-43 |
iron/clay | fierce beast |
The prince of the people 9:26-27 Titus |
e. Messiah Dan. 2:35, 44-45 |
stone |
Son of Man Dan. 7:9,10,13-14, 18,22,27 |
The Messiah, the Prince 9:24-25 |
Here is their list (taken from David Chilton, Days of Vengeance), pp. 20-25
(1)"Indeed, it may well be that, with the exception of the Gospels, the Apocalypse contains the most profound and moving teaching on Christian doctrine and discipleship found anywhere in Holy Scripture. Neither the fanaticism of some who have fixed their attention on prophecy rather than on Christ, nor the diversity of interpretive view-points should discourage us from pursuing Christian truth in this marvelous book" (p. 399).
Remember, these are truly the last words of Jesus to His church
(cf. Rev. 1:1-2)! The modern Church dares not ignore or minimize them! They are to
prepare believers for persecution and conflict in light of God's sovereignty
(monotheism; see
Special Topic: Monotheism), the reality of the evil one (limited dualism; see
Special Topic: Personal Evil), the ongoing results of the fall (human rebellion;see
Special Topic: Fall of Mankind), and God's promises to redeem mankind
(unconditional covenant, cf. Gen. 3:15; 12:1-3; Exod. 19:5-6; John 3:16; 2 Cor. 5:21).
Special Topic: YHWH's Eternal Redemptive Plan
Special Topic: Covenant
All of these have some validity, but they miss John's intentional choice of genre and imagery. The problem is balance, not which one is correct.
"The biblical prophets were not concerned primarily with the time and chronological arrangement of future events. For them the spiritual state of their contemporaries was the point of importance and the great eschatological visitation of God for the judgment of unrighteousness and the blessing of the pious was interjected for its ethical impact in the present" (p. 104).
Special Topic: Prophecy (OT)
I think #1 above best fits the time markers (see "Opening Statements," I.) of the Olivet Discourse; 2 Thessalonians 2; and Revelation.
"In view of the elaborate use of imagery and visions from Rev. 4:1 through the end of Revelation and the question how this material relates to chapters 1-3, it is not surprising that commentators differ widely in their treatment of these chapters. One problem is that of interpretation: What do the imagery and visions mean? Another problem involves chronology: When do these things take place? Furthermore, does John interpret his frequent Old Testament images in exact accordance with their Old Testament sources, or does he freely reinterpret these images? What is symbolic and what is literal? Answers to such questions will determine the interpreter's approach. Since few of these questions are capable of dogmatic answers, there is a need for tolerance of divergent approaches in the hope that the Spirit may use open-minded discussion to lead us further into the meaning of the Apocalypse" (p. 69).
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